Tempurung Cave (Gua Tempurung)

The light.. (
cahaya yang mencuri masuk kedalam gua)

Strike A Pose - Andi in the cave

Strike A Pose - Andi trying to understand about the limestone.
Deep within the jungle of Malaysia is one of the most majestic white marble and limestone towers called Gua Tempurung. Concealed within this limestone massif is an intricate system of caves of various dimensions honeycombed inside the limestone hills. This cave is metaphorically a breathtaking gallery of stalagmites and stalactites and other amazing rock formations which are superb speleological wonders found only in this part of the world.
Gua Tempurung, is located in Gopeng, Perak, and can be reached from the North-South Highway by exiting through the Gopeng Interchange (about 25 km south of Ipoh). You then take Federal Route 1 and proceed south about 2 km until Kampung Gunung Mesah. Turn left and drive through the kampung road for about 4 km. This kampung road can support heavy vehicles including buses. As you drive through this kampung area you begin to see the limestone hills in the distance. Approaching the caves is a mystical experience with the mist hovering above the hills.
When exploring the cave one would have to crawl to fit through the labyrinth of stalagmites and stalactites. Bats could be heard squealing in the high caverns throughout the cave lending a very surreal atmosphere to the entire experience. It's all pitch black once you're in the cave and having flashlight is a must to all. A stalagmite aged over 2 million years old stands majestically right in the center of the cave that will make you appreciate more the wonder of nature. At the base of this ancient stalagmite is a running river. Where pebbles from the river are so tempting that you need to get hold of them and keep it as a souvenir. When you finally reached the exit of the cave and you will see the sunlight filters down through the lush jungle greenery, with monkeys and birds frolicking all about, you are now truly in God's kingdom.
This tour takes you approximately 20 minutes to reach to platform 3 known as Golden Flowstone. You will be able to see the limestones that resembles a golden colour at this platform. Take a breather, snap some pictures and head back to the entrance of the cave. Total duration of this tour will take about 40 minutes.
Entrance Fees:
Adult - RM6.00
Children from 6 to 12 years old - RM2.50
Senior Citizen 60 years and above - RM3.00
Tour Time: 9:00am to 4:00pm everyday.
This tour package needs a minimum of 5 adults that takes you 50 minutes to reach to platform 5 known as Top Of The World. It is named so because this location is the tallest in the entire cave. Total duration of this tour is 1 hour and 45 minutes.
Entrance Fees:
Adult - RM9.00
Children from 6 to 12 years old - RM4.50
Senior Citizen 60 years and above - RM3.00
Tour Time: 9:00am to 3:00pm everyday.
This tour package needs a minimum of 8 adults that takes you for a journey
of about 2.4km. You will cover the Golden Flowstone and Top Of The World after which you will be guided back to the entrance using the underground river. Be prepared to get wet as you walk along the cold and crystal clear river. Total duration needed for the entire tour is 2 hours and 30 minutes.
Entrance Fees:
Adult - RM11.00
Children from 6 to 12 years old - RM6.00
Senior Citizen 60 years and above - RM6.00
Tour Time: 9:00am to 12:00pm everyday.
This tour is the most challenging tour with a total duration of 3 hours and 30 minutes to complete. You will cover a distance of 3.8km from the start at the entrance to completion through the underground river. You will cover all the three tours mentioned above plus going towards the east end of the cave and coming back through the underground river.
Entrance Fees:
Adult - RM22.00
Children from 6 to 12 years old - RM11.00
Senior Citizen 60 years and above - RM6.00
Tour Time: 9:00am to 11:00pm everyday.
Gua Tempurung ialah sebuah gua batu kapur yang terletak di Gopeng, Perak. Namanya diambil sempena bentuknya seperti tempurung kelapa. Panjang gua ini mencapai 1.9 km dan dipercayai telah wujud sejak 8000 SM lagi. Gua Tempurung terdiri daripada lima kubah besar yang silingnya menyerupai tempurung kelapa, dengan setiap kubah mempunyai bentuk stalagmit dan stalaktit yang berbeza. Selain itu, setiap kubah berbeza dari segi suhu, aras air, dan kandungan batu kapur dan marmar.
Dipertengahan gua ini terdapat satu stalagmit yang berbentuk seperti gergasi. Memandangkan gua ini menjadi tumpuan pelancong, kerajaan negeri Perak telah memelihara dan memulihara kawasan gua ini supaya lebih menarik dan mesra pelancong. Gua gua kini dilengkapi lampu , tangga dan titi serta kemudahan awam lain turut disediakan. Bagi mereka yang suka aktiviti lasak, acara meredah sungai dalam gua turut diadakan. Selain menyimpan khazanah alam, gua ini turut tertulis dalam sejarah Malaysia. Gua ini menjadi tempat persembunyian komunis pada masa dahulu daripada 1950 hingga 1960. Manakala semenjak daripada tahun 1970, Gua Tempurung telah dijadikan lombong bijih timah.
Gua Tempurung turut menjadi lokasi popular untuk perfileman Malaysia. antaranya filem DUYUNG (dimana Maya Karin membawa Saiful Apek ke tempat simpanan harta karun). CICAKMAN 2 dimana Cicakman berlawan diatas tangga dalam Gua Tempurung dan terbaru yang bakal menjegah pawagam adalah filem RATU arahan
Prof Madya A. Razak Mohaideen.
Pandu Arah.Gua Tempurung, boleh dikunjungi menggunakan Lebuh raya Utara Selatan ataupun jalan Persekutuan. Jika anda menggunakan PLUS, masuk ke susur keluar Plaza Tol Gopeng , belok ke kiri dan teruskan memandu sejauh 2 km sehingga menemui laluan ke Gua Tempurung di sebelah kiri. Laluan khas ini dibina bagi membolehkan kenderaan yang lebih besar besar seperti bas sampai ke gua tersebut.
Maafkan kami... maafkan kami... maafkan kami..