Saturday, spent the day in my room. Listen to music such classical and modern music plus download a Nepali song from Bacha Garchu - Nepali Rap Song. I must say or admit I am impress with this song. Later got news from a friend of mine who's in Johor recently visit his friends the he'll off to Tioman Island for short holiday. From Kuala Lumpur to Johor, he journey by buses so easy for him to do his 'programing work' for his next project. And I am sure the reason he want to be in island of Tioman are to generate some good input for his new software programming. Anyway he was lucky, without any proper plans he manage to be in Tioman cause we all knew only 14% of Tioman Island are open to tourist due maintaining the island for coral reef. Anyway... good luck HH, I wish you all the best.
And Zakuan, I do hope I'll be free this weekend. I've double check my schedules so far there's no changes. I may travel to Kuala Lumpur again to get fewer thing I need most before Ramadhan. Maybe we can hang-out together with others and captured some nice photo of Kuala Lumpur at night and refresh our-self at McDonland located at the heart of Bukit Bintang... it was my favorite spot. Mie, please double check about the thing we discuss. I know you pretty busy with your duty as Doctor but... please Mister please help me to find the right location about it ok. Incase you totaly busy ask Engku to see me but before that drop me a line first on my mobile.
Sunday, all I can think of is... being lazy in bed.. he.. he..
Updates: 1st August 2010 1100hour
Last night went to Stadium Perak for another soccer games and it end up with victory to Perak team beat Kedah 1-0. Return home, online.. chat with HH from midnight til 3AM. He told me Tioman island very quiet at night... silently... nothing like Penang and Langkawi. Here some pictures taken by HH with his HTC phone.

9 Lokasi Menyelam Popular Ditutup.
Sembilan lokasi menyelam popular di seluruh negara membabitkan 6 pulau yang diwartakan sebagai Taman Laut, ditutup sementara berkuat kuasa 2 Julai hingga 31 Oktober ini berikutan mengalami kelunturan karang serius. Lokasi berkenaan ialah Teluk Wangi, Pantai Damai dan Coral Garden; Pulau Payar di Kedah; Pulau Redang-Teluk Bakau, Pulau Tenggol - Teluk Air Tawar, Pulau Perhentian Besar - Teluk Dalam dan Pulau Perhentian Besar-Tanjung Tukas Darat – Tanjung Tukas Laut (Terengganu), Pulau Chebeh dan Batu Malang serta Gugusan Pulau Tioman (Pahang).
Several dive sites at two of the top diving destinations in the world — the Pulau Tioman marine park in Pahang and Pulau Redang marine park in Terengganu — are temporarily off-limits to divers and snorkellers until end-October. The affected dive sites in Terengganu were Teluk Dalam, Tanjung Tukas Darat, Tanjung Tukas Laut, Teluk Air Tawar, Pulau Tenggol and Teluk Bakau; and in Pahang they were Pulau Chebeh and Batu Malang.

Sembilan lokasi menyelam popular di seluruh negara membabitkan 6 pulau yang diwartakan sebagai Taman Laut, ditutup sementara berkuat kuasa 2 Julai hingga 31 Oktober ini berikutan mengalami kelunturan karang serius. Lokasi berkenaan ialah Teluk Wangi, Pantai Damai dan Coral Garden; Pulau Payar di Kedah; Pulau Redang-Teluk Bakau, Pulau Tenggol - Teluk Air Tawar, Pulau Perhentian Besar - Teluk Dalam dan Pulau Perhentian Besar-Tanjung Tukas Darat – Tanjung Tukas Laut (Terengganu), Pulau Chebeh dan Batu Malang serta Gugusan Pulau Tioman (Pahang).
Several dive sites at two of the top diving destinations in the world — the Pulau Tioman marine park in Pahang and Pulau Redang marine park in Terengganu — are temporarily off-limits to divers and snorkellers until end-October. The affected dive sites in Terengganu were Teluk Dalam, Tanjung Tukas Darat, Tanjung Tukas Laut, Teluk Air Tawar, Pulau Tenggol and Teluk Bakau; and in Pahang they were Pulau Chebeh and Batu Malang.