Friday stormy weather hit... meet my friends then we went to Param with umbrella, bought dessert for breaking fast later. I bought, Burger Malaysia aka Dorayaki among us... this remind me of my childhood era. I always buy this each time I off to school! When Azan calling... it's time for 'breaking fast' so stop-by at local restaurant known as 'Sha Na Na' not Oh La La.. he..he.. as usual I had Fried Rice Chicken come with soup (yummy) and a cup of Teh Tarik plus ice water (i can't live without ice cube he.. he.. ) others order soups, rice and etc. For the starter we had 'dates' kate orang perak buah kurma bukan buah kumar ye.... buah kumar tu aci dah chop dulu... usahler kome buaikan yop! tak kuasa teman nak layan! Dates has been given for free from the restaurant for all customers :D thank you (terima kasih) after maincourse clean, we begin to ate out dessert that we bought from Param. 30 minutes later I think we had enough so we leave restaurant then off to Aman Restaurant. It's time for online and discussion 'bout what we gonna do tomorrow?
Saturday, we promise to meet each other at 10 morning for 'outing' at Lata Kinjang or Gunung Lang but none of us manage to get up early poor Afandi who's wait for us... anyway don't blame me cause I'm handsome!!!he..he.. but blame Datuk Kay and Jalang who's addicted to FB online 24hours... Monday mesti MC! @1300hour Datuk Kay meet me at my house, then off to Afandi house and wait for Jalang who's alwyas give an excuses via sms like 'Im, on the way' later 'traffic jam' then 'meeting someone special on the road' whatever... Jalang is Jalang... she.. never changed.. she?
When we are ready to go suddenly storm hit.. it's heavy rain. We cancel our 'outdoor photograpy' instead we follow Afandi to Indian Muslim mosque for Bubur Lambok. Then off to Param again.. later we splits. Breaking fast at home with family.
Sunday, I don't know anything... I've been sleep whole day.
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