First of all I would like to share a story about myself. I’ve been told by my boss to prepare for new environments of work. She told me over the phone I’ll be shift or transfer to other units but she did not mention exact locations. Something for sure it’s under same department (Finance) but different units. Currently I am happily worked at Collections Unit, before this I work at Account Unit and Engineering Department was my lifetime experienced.
When I recall, I’ve been transfer from Engineering Department to Finance Department under Account Control. It was saddest moment of my life at that time. I feel like world mean nothing to me because I enjoy worked at Engineering Department. There, I work with engineers, technical assistance, and technician. I’m deal with Housing Developer, Plumbing Contractors even public for small projects. In year 2000, I’ve receive a transfer letter and it really make me sad. From Engineering Department I transfer to Finance Department base on Accounts Control Units. In 2006, I have been transfer to Collection Unit until today… sooner or later I don’t know where I would be and I’m count on it.
There’s good and bad about transfer one to other unit. But let me tell you what the good one…is in new units I allow to take annual leave anytime I like. That’s mean I would be free to off anywhere I like as long my work is done. Let’s forget about the negative side because I won’t think about it.
Well, October will always be special month to me. I’ve been plan taking off from work (short holiday) end weeks of October 2010. I could fly anywhere I like, I'm free like a bird flew in the summer skies...
Don't worry le...U can be close with u ex-girlfrends.....u know him..i don't want to mention it but again u going to work at new enviroment and friends... Don't be sad cause i'm going to replace your at Pekan lama
wow... so it has been confirmlah I'll be transfer to other department? She's now nothing to me. To tell the truth I don't like work at Greentown. I'm happily working at the old town.
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